lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

What does it make anyone a writer?

Technically, the ability to write and the art of conveying ideas well. Any can be a “writer”, but something makes few of them to be popular, just by drawing people's attention.

Any can be a music “player”, but few are real musicians. A writer is that one who writes a lot and has piles of papers written with things but, the art is pending on the colors his/her adjectives gives to actions, things or persons spoken of.

Josh is at the military service. Today I recommended him to be careful, because “I don't want to be grandfather” and he promised that won't be yet (Thanks God if so). I told him a couple of my recent “love” affairs, while he showed to be smart and reluctant. I begged him to pray for God's direction: We can see faces, and never each heart...

A writer has the thoughts of any person, but he/she has the chance to write them down quickly, with the hunch or the feeling they often come to be felt or considered. There are many chances when he/she gets enticed and forgets to write to freeze some notions of ideas, and sometimes I had some memories, with its feelings, I cannot convey to portray as words.

Yes! There is some minute regret for the missing records I did not kept. There are feelings I considered eternally lost, but life is like a waving ocean that often brings them back to the seashore of mind to be written or live up again.

There is something compulsory in writing. Sometimes one thing makes you write for minutes or hours. Something meaningless changes to be important, and I cannot tell you why one thing changes each time I try to understand it before it be written down (this last sentence took me several corrections to this final amendment).

Sometimes in my hut, that one I own to bring me peace of mind, a tiny thing becomes a river of ideas where I cannot stop drinking or thinking. I remember the time I went there the first, finding my place, and I felt that that was made “specially” for me. That was a lonely place! 13 years ago. No neighbor around, so it was my place (not now).

I can breathe a sigh remembering those 10 years I spent and enjoyed in that land. Those trees were my friends, the silence smelled like wood and everything seemed to be mine: I wish I can write more someday...

The only thing I miss there, at home, is the electricity power (Would you mind if I ask you to pray for that?). Living around dimming candle lights is not my best idea, but I cannot change my present state with dreams and I don't plan to leave all my papers forgotten, over that table piled with hard to read handwritten rubbish...

I guess some writers liked the honor to be read because this makes some economic profit and it is like living or being heard for decades. Perhaps no many seek fame, but money and, in my case, I write to be known by my children or whomever might like reading just one page.

My kids do not like to write or read, but I hope that will chance same way it happened to me. I remember some dreams I had and some of them where finally done, not like I would have liked.

I don't know if my age or the rainy season help me to stay in bed thinking. I often take minutes (or hours) thinking or praying laid in bed and, when I wake up, I gently brush my teeth same way, up to the moment I need water to wash my mouth. I don't remember when I got this habit, and I'm glad I have no one to criticize it. Will you now that I published it? (He! He!).

Too often my pillow looked very attentive to me. She tries to pay attention to each of my thoughts or to whatever I might have thought to say. She's loyal enough to keep the secrets she keeps and I know she won't say anything to you, but I have liked how she has backed me up femininely with some of my ideas (or dreams). She knows I hate mud...

I had heard some like to consult their pillows, to make decisions. I have learned how some people like to cry over their pillows and their tears cannot be mute when falling on these that are made of light feathers. You can cry your shouts on that smelling cotton, but this fellow companion won't say a word you would lately regret. Pillows are not certainly deaf! But they won't tell the secrets of a daydreamer.

I believe she hears my thoughts. I like the way she silently looked at me and it would be okey if I dare to give her a name (what about Mónica?).

Mónica is a nice name that reminds me of those who have helped and saved my life by just being supportive friends. I don't deserve those who have come into my life, and these names are worthy of mentioning for the good things they have done (for me and many). But a soft pillow cannot give you the wisdom of an advice, but just find out one Monica and tell me later she is not a golden gem to look at. :P (I hope you find your helping hand or advisor).

Pillows are comfortable cushions to lessen some pressures of the head and very few people dislike having one, at least. Those tears someone has shed cannot be muted on them, and some chilling cries still being heard compassionately with some words written on a piece of paper...

Silence in that mountain is different. Peace takes its pace far from cities and I can hear my heart softly beating, and the pulse itself has this heart breathing.

A writer knows his/her heart with the experience of years. A “writer” like me knows his needs, his lacks and longs, and seeks for real satisfaction: Do I know I came here to be an angel? Do I honor God despising myself all alone, the only good thing I think I owned?

We're very well told not to love world. That's true! We are not the same, it was insane, and I've got nothing out of it. I know I'm a worldly thing who likes its own. I would like to know more worlds or the entire cosmos to find what I like, but this life is limited in time and space, and I don't remember hearing God's direct voice telling me “do this” or “go this address”: I learnt the hard way! Same way like many of you.

Sin is the thing I have to hate! I have to avoid sinning, same way any would avoid being hurt.

For instances, look at Job writings. Was he writing from his lack of vivid experience? Was he real or a theological invention? As a writer, did he lack the emotional background of what he wrote or heard for us? The Bible is a gold mine and some teachings worth life plus diamonds.

A simple poem often comes from a hunch of a feeling mingled with human dreams. An idea becomes a desire and a person spurs things that can be true out of idealizations. Who writes a poem without the experience of a feeling? A composer can write without an initial emotion?

Let's say Beethoven was deaf in his late years, but he never lacked the notion to write music or never ceased having his feelings.

This week I watched a movie (“Coraline”, a Focus Features / Laika Entertainment / Pandemonium production). It's based on a novel written by Neil Gaiman (Ed. Harper Collins Publishers, 2002), and I partially liked the psychology I saw and heard there. Has anybody noticed the attention we have drifted from family? We love gold or quick pleasures, but we tend to leave people alone and out our way...

Each time Coraline felt alone she took a picture of two friends she has left and said: “Don't forget about me, guys”. Have any of you ever felt that? Does a writer talk to him/herself, in his/her loneliness?

That sounded me like a common prayer I haven't heard from many and, of course, the movie-novel is not Christianized, because it has several elements of magic like Disney's stories (but that human longing is universal to change loneliness).

In Coraline's movie I saw two parents isolated in their jobs of writers and a lonely girl who was born by “accident”, as not being desired. How many were grown that way? (I did not received the attention I would have wished from my parents).  What can be said of some character's names? I heard subliminal words as “Why born” (Wyborne) or that like “why be” (Wybie). This is not my mother tongue, but I think it is a field where some could have researched...

Sometimes I tried to give my children attention and, in my opinion, they've liked money instead of love, and I know what I don't have to give. I talked to Joy last night and she looks reluctant to pay attention to what an adult may say but, at faKebook, she sees all the pictures she can of her friends (and I know it because I was with her, side by side, last night in her Internet session).

All or many people are uploading and downloading on-line contents. These are pictures, notes, etc. Some are becoming bloggers, amateur journalists or writers, and some are good at faking, reposting or at impersonating others they are not.

Why do we need to be remembered or seen?
Why do I need to be known by my sons?

We seek some recognition.

Privately I have said God is a bloggist. He wrote His name on the entire universe and the Bible is a simple love note... (Here I felt like tears were about to fall off).

A writer leaves the testimony of his/her ideas and the teaching of what he is learning or doing. As father I wish I had given more, but rare things hinder my ways same way as yours.

Perhaps not many people want to be admired or desired, but look that God also wants holy recognition. Read the Bible and see the many times He has said “I AM almighty” or “I DID” or “would DO” this to be known. He is not selfish, but God has His holy ego, same way we have ours: I am me! (You are you) and without God we cannot safely live.

Satan is a liar. He insists on telling humans we can live without God pleasing our selfish beings, hurting others and causing all type of human mess: I wish I had all those good qualities God has in stock for His chosen ones. I wish I could hear His personal voice to be directed, guided, but I'm deaf as a stone and, what I've learned, I learn from experiences and from others.

Imagine a writer with no experience, what is he going to write? He is a simple reader typing, instead.

Coraline movie tells me a good thing I have to keep in mind. The other mother told her, in the living room: “They say even the proudest spirit can be broken with love”. Is this totally true?

I know many have lost valuable things when believing the wrong ones. Those “ghosts” on the movie said: “She spied on our lives and saw we weren't happy... She lured us away by treasures, treats and games to play”. Is not the world doing the same? How long will I let evil lead my life with presents that are not gifts?

Sometimes we gave all that we had and found ourselves out with people who never stopped asking rather than giving, just letting them sew darkness in our eyes.

Yesterday, while I was cloning a HDD, Francis told me a story connected to her parents and, to resume all she said, it dealt with sorcery used to separate her father from her mother. Is magic being used to separate Christians from the Bible and its good teachings? (Rev. 21:8)

Many people like reading thick books connected to “good” vampires, magic sex, eternal youth taken from blood and romantic things taken from fornication or adultery; but few are willing to spend half an hour reading the Bible and few go to a Bible study outside the church (I don't go! Here there is a denominational movement I don't like to cope with) (I hate religion and Jesus denounced hypocrisy and its denominational tendencies).

Some people said “I love you”, and it took time to see I lied same way they did, and I'm spared from being eaten up.

I gave my brother A.G. a copy of the Coraline movie, and he gave me -in turn- more info I could read or discuss later. Why are so many people drawn to occultism? What's the reason we seldom pray and try to live up individually instead of waiting for God's hands?

Many of us want to write on our blanked pages. It's like living our personal Paradise and missing God who is absent or voiceless to our deaf ears.

We shared our ideas. Some are missing here and most of them I cannot convey into this foreign language...

I checked some information we got from the Internet. I can't tell you why some writers -like Stephenie Meyer- became so popular, but there is a dark force sponsoring them from their nameless background and, of course, there is an emptiness that longs to be fed and wants to be filled in humanity. I'm a human being and I want to live and feel I'm living. 

I often tell God: “Please, update the Bible. We need a more vivid experience with you”. I'm glad the Dead Sea Scrolls appeared, but that isn't enough to build a friendly relationship with God and Jesus.

Many Christian writers are giving their best on their writings, but we human beings need an individual and personal encounter with God, His Spirit, and Jesus is an example of life; but we lack some information while we're seeking to hear God's personal voice.

I believe thunders can speak from God, as circumstances as well, but that is just the beginning of anything. Jesus heard his voice. John the Baptist heard God's voice. Peter, James and John too...

How could I befriend you if you only “poked” me with a “like” click? Sometimes I don't see what they say and often I'm in a rush to leave what I have to post...

See how some church “leaders” want you to walk blind (“by faith”, they say). If you take a look at Coraline movie, you'll see the other mother wanted THE SAME. Once you are blind enough, you won't see the truth: And the TRUTH is Jesus Christ.

Coraline wasn't happy with her parents' attitude, which is fine to find it out within ourselves. Are we being good enough with our children? Are we giving them love or simple stuff?

Some “leaders” want our eyes shut to do what they're pleased. They may use the Bible as a law code, as well as the national constitution for their arguments, but justice is above all things.

I guess the character of Caroline has to be lift up each time a “leader” wants us to be blind and starts pushing his/her bottoms to get me submissive or blind to say what I think I see.

Jesus told us He is the leader, the Master, and all who wants to be great has to serve all...

I don't want to be blinded.

I won't let them to push me with their black bottoms and subliminal magic arts.

I won't to partake with those who like magic arts and sorcery. I'll be away from any movement or denomination promoting secular traditions, who are far from Christ.

A writer is any who denounces himself and his hypocrisy.

A writer is any preacher who writes his/her words to correct the message and the log of that earthly trip.

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