domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

Open Letter to Facebook:


Is there an safe way I can prohibit my daughter (Joy Toro) to be registered on this site?

She´s underage, she lacks enough wisdom to know and discern and, sadly, her mother doesn´t watch her activities online.

As a father, it´s my concern she had NO access to this site and I´m inviting other parents to back me up in this concern, since I have watched she has little brain, as a teenager (similar to her mother)

You, dear sirs of Facebook, know her FACE, exactly as she is. She could use a faked name to AVOID MY virtual SURVEILANCE and she doesn´t know to pick "friends" (online)

You, dear sirs of FB know what I have reported (nudity) and, if I blocked those transgressor and LAW BREAKERS on the internet, I cannot watch what she is "sharing" or what her "friends" have shared with her on this site.

I´m concerned with those issues and she can use another name, another email address and another AGE (she´s simply 14 years old)


Antonio Toro

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

Patch Adams, con Robin Williams

Hace varias semanas traje películas de la casa de mi hermana y, entre las que deseaba ver había una cuyo disco no vino conmigo. Hice la mejor selección que pude, escogiendo de lo que había y buscando lo que pudiera ser realista, más que fantástico o simplemente cómico.
Eran como 6 videos y, cuando quise ver uno de ellos (en una sesión continuada de horas) faltaba Patch Adams, con Robin Williams.

Una vez que uno se acostumbra a ciertos actores, sin ser fanático de alguno en particular, uno puede haber acertado en “la línea” de actuación de esos actores y, al caso, no podría imaginarme a Arnold Schwarzenegger haciendo un papel protagónico en una película de vaqueros ni en una tira cómica de Disney pero ¿No es eso posible?

No imaginé que, hace un par de días, sentado con mi madre a la izquierda, estaría mirando el video que no estuvo en su caja plástica…

Mi madre intentó desviar mi atención de tan interesante película rememorando uno de sus dramas: “Discúlpame mamá pero, este video no sé cuándo lo vuelva a ver… Mientras, tú estás aquí” –Le dije.

No era frustrante decirle mi parecer aunque, en un sentido, ti pudiera parar la película como en una proyección de cine, lo habría hecho, pero era un programa televisado que pocas veces sintonizo: Canales del Gobierno.

¿Qué milagro fue ese que, por una hora, estuvimos sentados uno al lado del otro?

No llevo la secuencia de películas que he visto pero, de Robin Williams, también disfruté aquella del “Hombre Centenario”. Algo tan cargado de humanidad no puedo pasarlo por alto y, por coincidencias, no perdería lo que ya se fue una sola vez.

Patch Adams me ha conmovido mucho, no tanto por la tenacidad que una persona pueda mostrar por sus metas o la manera en que logre impactar la indiferencia e egocentrismo de otras… Lo que más me tiró de los ojos fue esa historia de amor que se truncó, inconclusa, por esa fatalidad de la chica violada y asesinada (con el posterior desmoronamiento emocional de uno de sus personajes).

¡Dios! Esas fatalidades existen…


Cuando leo la vida de Ezequiel, me identifico con su desmoronamiento, con el desandar de su dicha, con la fatalidad –cuyo propósito no entiendo.

Eze 24:16  Hijo de hombre, he aquí que yo te quito de golpe el deleite de tus ojos; no endeches, ni llores, ni corran tus lágrimas.

¿Qué hombre o mujer no se conmueve ante esas palabras?

¿Qué mente no se obnubila, o qué corazón no se embarga?

Sin embargo, al paso de la vida, situaciones similares se han vivido, directa o de segunda mano así qué, visto todo el drama de esa película –cuyo mensaje raya en lo cristiano y esos cuestionamientos- hago este comentario, y mi reconocimiento a esos méritos.


Waiting for the right person (Part 1)

Someone wrote on this as “10 reasons why ppl are single  ((

She smartly said several items we loners tend to bypass but, this one, deserves elaboration and it´s a topic I don´t think it´s exhausted:

“If you ask someone that they are single, the most probable answer you will get is that they are waiting for the right person in their life. So, given by the mob of single persons this happens to be one of the top reasons why people are single. They are waiting for their dream partners. Someone they can look forward to and spend the rest of their lives. They may come across many people daily but their Mr/Miss right have certain specifications which they have made in mind and they are waiting for the day they will get them. Till then they are enjoying their happy single lives.”

How long does it take me to know loneliness sucks?
How long does it take me to see I´m wasting useful time passing that bucket to God´s busy hands?

Let me say, as a secular believer that God could care of my body needs (Mat 6:31  Don't worry and ask yourselves, "Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?" Mat 6:32  Only people who don't know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need all of these.) But, if those things you know are still pending and missing, won´t you care?

I have read, more than a dozen times, “God is in charge”, “God would care of His loves ones”, “God takes everything in control” but, it seems to be that I´m leaving my life burden on Him, when He planned to carried on with His cross, as a disciple (Mat 11:30  This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.)

 Is God my slave? Am I, instead?

10 reasons why I´m single” points out I must assume personal responsibilities on “matchmaking”.

In fact, the Bible shows Isaac´s dad took personal care to get his child a wife.

Jacob, particularly, worked 14 years to marry Rachel, although Laban tricked him an awful way I won´t consider “culture” as a reason to lie or lure ppl that way.

Tobias, in a Catholic book, also showed he had issues to be married (Tob. 8:8-10).

Where does God have your Mr. / Mss. Right?

Is it a gift of God?

Pro 18:22  A man's greatest treasure is his wife-- she is a gift from the LORD.

This shows a Jewish opinion on similar matters:

Somewhere above it says: “As long each man remains single, God´s presence isn´t with him, since God´s presence –for men- is a wife (His wife) ”
“The woman is, for the man, the concrete emanation of divinity.”

But, is there anybody OUT THERE to teach me what I´m doing too wrong?

What are those things I have wrong, those that I need to correct to be blessed by God and a woman?


miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

Feeling lonely?

Loneliness is not a good friend, unless you had wanted it as your friend.
If you´ve ever shared your intimacies, your vulnerabilities, your secrets thoughts, etc. with someone who left, it was because you FELT lonely and needed comprehension, empathy (or sympathy?).
Sometimes you don´t need to step back into things that would mislead or hurt any of us.

These things I know:
·         If a person wants to be approached and known as she is (or as he is) the best thing to do is showing who we are. It would spare you confusions, particularly when “observers” can dream their dreams and, their hallucination was a thin handsome man (or a fat nice looking woman) you are not now. However, be advised there are scams and people seeking their prey to hurt you.

·         It´s highly advised hiding those private things we have already said or thought in previous online experiences (those sexual intimacies shared once) because those would mislead the relationship into sexual affairs, physical abuse and possible emotional exploitations and deceptions.

·          Save yourself for marriage (or a real date?)

Today, I´m not afraid to die without understanding the nature of human relationships.

Few days back one of my blood brother (drunk and confused) phone called my mom to tell her his wife told him she was about to commit suicide somewhere in the countryside, after they attended a party. They´ve been having problems for several years and, the reason for having traveled into the countryside it was they needed to make some legal arrangements (to set new social bonds) with the family of the “future” wife of one of my nieces. The irony in here, it´s that meanwhile one single person wants to get married, another couple is surely struggling to get their life back, legally divorced (they utterly have been postponing that emotional divorce, several times).

Consider the costs of any relationship.

I wish Jesus had told more about that important lesson (Lk 14:28) but that was enough… I can´t build anything if I lacked the materials, those tangible means (a) neither when I lacked the intention to endure it, to succeed in whatever thing I´d liked to achieved (that´s why there are some physical reasons people need to show who they are, emotionally and “materially”).

No one would build something big without enough money (neither being unmotivated or bitterly discouraged).

On those sites I have been I felt discouraged for several reasons. Each time I saw a rich woman I fled. Each time a saw a lady I didn´t like I ran… Just because I know me and, on the other side, I know my limits (cause I´ve acknowledged them).

(a) Some real loners did this wrongly (it´s just my wrong opinion) and MANY has set, for themselves, higher expectations at a late age (b) Particularly when young people are offering the same good things old ones had longed for decades, at less economical cost (but at a higher emotional risk of being left or cheated on often, the sooner or later)

The sad thing when anyone has looked like being honest or simple minded, they have been taken wrongly (misread) that they´ve been criticized “for selling themselves too cheap”: The moment I read someone wanted “a wedding party with 200 persons invited”, I killed myself those dreams I had about her… I´m supposed to build good things, but I´m not a dream maker.
Disclaimer: She could have lied -jokingly- that moment (I know who she was) but, in my private life, I have met several girls who were poor and wanted to marry a rich man and, as they are absolutely entitled to dream their dreams, I´m also entitled to live mine, as a Franciscan “Hermit”.

I won´t be sold out cheaply or expensively. This is not a matter of selling people out, but a matter of feeling and being honest while seeking what it is really needed, a thing largely wanted (or emotionally sought) for fraternal long lasting fellowship. As I see these things, a house is NOT built alone…

I hope you don´t care at people hurting and criticizing you (Lk 14:29), but I hope these words has served you for anything useful because, once you´ve built your tower, anything like an earthquake, can destroy what you cherished a lot and, I have seen several towers falling down apart.