viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

Two things I dislike

When I once was younger and I didn´t know well. Adults used to say “old times” were better and often I laughed at their saying. How could that be? How could I know, if I was a spring chick?

Now I´m grown old. I see their time and mine. I have some means to see their past, their streets, their pictures, their memories, and I can tell those things you are going to miss when growing too old, too weak or strong to give credit those things that are beautiful in life.

In the Bible -too- you can see people crying (and missing) old times. I liked that part when their temple was re-built and many old people cried and shed their tears.

Jesus told many things will be torn (Mar_13:1-2 Jesus said to him, "Do you see these large buildings? Not one of these stones will be left on top of another. Each one will be torn down."), but memories are a good stronghold you can keep to build and help other persons.

I was raised in a culture I thought I like. When you convert to God, and His Son Jesus, you will know how wrong some things are. Do you know that conversion calls you to be somewhat Jewish?

I don´t know if you have checked how that process is, but I have seen how some people here are turning to Santeria, to Satanism, since many -like me- abandoned Catholicism to follow Jesus the way the Bible says (step by step) just by leaving their culture and its local biased traditions.

For instances, Patriotism is a sort of cult, a state religion, each local country has taught you and me, to die (while others are sit giving you orders)... Was it Jesus´ teaching? That was a Jewish teaching, instead.

If we want, we are to die for those loved ones, not belonging to a physical country or its state religion. On the contrary, traditions have taught us what served them to keep on ruling our ideas...

The Roman “Holy” Empire once visibly existed in Europe... It laid some teachings that are alive (and kicking). It made its syncretism of ideas to get you (and me) to do what they wanted (and still wants).

Few minutes ago, my mother started fighting with me to go out to buy things she likes for her X-mas (She´s finally gone!). He! He!

I can´t get the point about X-mas: Saturnalia feast enjoyed, under another name?

Is it for teaching about Christ?

Is it to enjoy just few days, like carnivals?

My mother is like grumpy. She is stubborn, rarely compassionate outside her heart, and rarely admits this as a fault; because each day she grumbles about almost anything (making me feel I don´t like her anymore, although she was the person I think I deeply loved, when a child).

I cannot believe a thing when this is taught with a lie.

I remember when I found several boxes my dad tried to hide under the bed, one of those days I cherished and enjoyed the lying. I didn´t have the time to speak sharing thoughts about this. He is gone and not dead (I hope).

X-mas is not my season.

I don´t like carnival either, so I had better to hide on those days they do their things the way I did... (Just see it in Peru: “As of 2010, it has become so violent that the government has imposed heavy penalties of up to eight years in prison

My life style calendar has to be changed, one of these days.

I´ll be grumpy for being in a place I don´t want to be in...


I am not so grumpy!

Few minutes before I published this blog, my mother gave me a can of creamy peanut butter, so I will keep her in my prayers so she be changed to be the mother she could be the rest of each year.

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