jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Does marriage matter?

Well! I married once and that lasted for 13 years. Now I´m divorced and I know marriage is not a bullet proof jacket… If I love (and feel specially loved) I don´t mind being married twice, but THAT CONTRACT is not a love guarantee. I´m not interested in having children (I got 3) I´m concerned in sharing my life with one who has Christian/jews habits, a nice and intelligent woman, who believes in God and understands His teachings. Freedom is not an issue but BELONGING to one another… 

It´s God's miracle to be united as ONE. And marriage, as a contract has to be seen as it is: A risky contract, and investment and I understand why some may skip it. I don´t see a sin living without it. The sin is cheating or having two (or more) “lovers”. 

The commitment should be LOVE and exclusive sex. I spent much of my life to learn this lately. Me and my ex-wife regreted having married one another without knowing who we really were or expected in such a long-term relationship. Marrying, without God´s guidance, is a fake feeling. It´s a pity not having God just at the corner or around our neighborhood to listen to His direct advice: It´s a lesson we pay with pains and $, but better to face it than depraving or missing a portion of this life.

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